Too Cool for School: LEGO Nintendo 64 Transformers

Created specifically for the Toy Brick Contest in the summer of 2013, have a look at Baron von Brunk’slatest LEGOformers: Ultra Hexacon and Tetragon, the transforming Nintendo 64 and controller, alon ...
Created specifically for the Toy Brick Contest in the summer of 2013, have a look at Baron von Brunk’s latest LEGOformers: Ultra Hexacon and Tetragon, the transforming Nintendo 64 and controller, along with their transforming Game Pak minions Hot-Shot, and Mecha Kong. Take a moment to gather yourself… are you ready for more? These original LEGO models are made in near-perfect size and proportions to authentic N64 components, and can transform completely. Please visit for more information.



引用 不怕不怕 2016-10-5 02:43
感谢分享啊 ...
引用 wellli 2016-7-21 20:39
引用 木子啊 2015-8-3 19:57

